Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


很多年前聽過的一個故事: 話說一艘油輪發生故障, 動彈不得, 船主於是請來專家. 專家在船上花了一小時周圍查看, 然後隨意用大鐵鎚在一件機器上大力拷打了一下, 油輪便修好,可以起行.

兩星期後船主收到一張一萬美元的賬單, 嚇一跳之餘, 要求專家列出收費的明細和準則!


用鐵鎚拷打一下 收費 $1
知道係邊度拷? 收費 $9,999
合共 $10,000

不錯, 這是個「知識便是力量」的時代. 下次你的皮膚專科醫生收你一千銀一枝藥膏, 你便會知道點解!

居住的大廈最近維修, 飛砂走石, 首先傷亡的, 是門口的鐵閘, 卡死了不能上鎖. 巳打定輸數, 換新閘要二千元. 一晚父親來探我, 二話不說, 用鐵鎚住鐵閘拷了幾下,再噴上 WD-40, 一切便完好如新.

再次見証,「知識是力量」. 幸運的是, 我沒有收到賬單.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

香港的教育制度, 真係得人驚!

幾年前係咁, 今年又係咁! 香港的教育制度, 真係得人驚!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My 9th NEO, found by the Spain observatory

OAM Observatory (J75) at La Sagra, Spain reported that they had just discovered a new Near Earth Asteroid (designated 2009FD) with my 18" F2.8 telescope. This marked my 9th NEA discovery (7 solo, 2 as a team).

The most interesting point is that by orbit calculation, 2009FD will come as close as less than 2 lunar distance (0.0042 a.u.) on around March 27! At that time it will be as bright as mag. 13! It will be also moving very fast, roughly one lunar diameter every 6 minutes!